Game Schedules
Week-to-week travel schedules and locations are coordinated via BAYS. Please check their website for up-to-date travel gametimes!
Travel Playtimes
To help you coordinate with other activities and commitments, gametimes for Travel teams are often at the following times, although the schedule can change.
Grade 3 Girls | 10:30am
Grade 3 Boys | 2:30pm
Grade 4 Girls | 11:45am
Grade 4 Boys | 1:00pm
Grade 5 Girls | 11:45am
Grade 5 Boys | 1:00pm
Grade 6 Girls | 10:30am
Grade 6 Boys | 2:30pm
Grade 7/8 Girls | 9:00am
Grade 7/8 Boys | 2:30pm
InTown schedules
Weekly on Saturdays
All PreK players will play at 9am the same location. TBD but will most likely be Emerson Field in Concord.
All K players will play at 10:30 at the same location. TBD but will most likely be Emerson Field in Concord.
Grades 1-4
Grade 1 Girls | Spalding | 12:00pm
Grade 1 Boys | Ripley | 12:00pm
Grade 2 Girls | Banta Davis | 10:20am
Grade 2 Boys | Banta Davis | 9:00am
Grade 3-4 Girls | Ripley | 9:00am
Grade 3-4 Boys | Rideout | 9:00am
Rescheduling Games
Get the opposing coach’s contact information from the BAYS schedule
Agree on two possible times for the make-up game
Contact Steve Robinson to confirm the field and referees
When both teams are confirmed, the BAYS schedule will be updated
Allow for 3 days for confirmation of field and referees
K and Grade 1: contact the opposing coach and work out a new date and time
Grade 2 - 6: Contact Referee Coordinator, Steve Robinson. If the game is cancelled on game day, call Steve on his cell at (978) 394-7926.